Monday, 7 October 2019

International Children's Festival (ICF)


ICF was an amazing success for Grade 5 due to everyone working hard together and demonstrating fantastic teamwork.  Great job, everyone!

Students wanted to pick a country that was unusual and not something anyone else had done.   They narrowed it down to a few interesting countries and voted with Mongolia as the victor.

Students spent the weeks leading up to ICF researching and documenting data on various topics such as traditional costumes, famous people like Genghis Khan, unique food, homes/yurts, traditional and contemporary music, warfare, and so much more.  Students were interested in the topic the entire time and put a lot of effort into their projects.  

They created informational posters highlighting what they felt were the most important aspects of Mongolian culture.  One group created a replica of a traditional yurt and even included a sofa, bathtub, and oven which they creatively assembled with cardboard and other materials found around the school.  Puzzles were made and placed in the Game Corner of varying levels of difficulty, all showing a feature of Mongolian life.  Each group made a life-sized person wearing traditional clothing.  In addition to all the informational posters and props, students had to work together to hang things up and decorate the room as best they could.

We were able to tie our research of Mongolia into our unit of inquiry and made many connections.  Students demonstrated ample amounts of creativity and hard work to add to the flavor of Mongolia.  It was wonderful to see such concentration and motivation throughout.  Again, great job!

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