Thursday, 17 September 2020

Adventures with Literacy!!!

Literacy Week and Change 

Students have been spending a lot of time in the last few weeks reading and growing in their understanding of change.  Here are some highlights: 

Literacy Week

Students found a poem for poem in your pocket and read their poem in front of the class and for any other schoolmates who asked them.  Students also created their own version of The Homework Machine, a poem by Shel Silverstein, with their views on homework.  Each floor had a display to encourage Literacy week such as Dog Man, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Roald Dahl, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  During our library time, students participated in a play in which they took on the role of a famous literary character ranging from Sherlock Holmes to Matilda and everything in between.  Finally, students dressed up as their favorite literary character which added some extra fun to our Friday.


In continuation of our Unit of Inquiry, students investigate change through time, fashion, and architecture.  Students present their research in a Slideshow presentation of their own creation.  Many groups even created their own quiz at the end to challenge their fellow students and encourage others to pay attention and participate in a meaningful way. 

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