Thursday, 20 February 2020

February 10-21

Grade 5 has had a lot of things going on lately!  From ISA assessments to YEP preparation, we have been quite busy.  Here are some highlights from the past few weeks:


Groups finished their summative assessments (Public Service Announcement videos) and have prepped for a viewing party with other grades next week.  We are now beginning our final unit on governments and how they function.  We created a mind map of what we remembered from last year and then formulated questions for our Wonder Wall about what we would like to learn more about.  Lots of interesting topics to think about for next week!


Students are hard at work preparing dialogue, videos, props, and everything else essential to our upcoming Year End Performance.  This year our focus is on the effects of propaganda and the importance of thinking for yourself.


Students have been studying about computer hardware and how all the parts function to make a computer work.  Now they are reassembling all the pieces and taking care to put them in the correct locations.

Taking Action:

After learning how to make self watering plants, Grade 5 took action and taught what they had learned to Grade 4.  Students had to use their communication and social skills to successfully impart their knowledge to the younger students.  They were able to answer all their questions and guide them in the creation of their own planted seeds.

YEP preparation

YEP preparation

YEP preparation

PSA teamwork 

PSA teamwork

PSA teamwork

PSA teamwork

PSA teamwork

PSA teamwork

YEP preparation

YEP preparation

End of the unit!

End of the unit!

Exploring the new unit

Exploring the new unit

Exploring the new unit

Exploring the new unit

Exploring the new unit

Exploring the new unit

YEP preparation

YEP preparation

YEP preparation

ICT computers

ICT computers

ICT computers

ICT computers

ICT computers

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

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