Thursday, 20 February 2020

February 10-21

Grade 5 has had a lot of things going on lately!  From ISA assessments to YEP preparation, we have been quite busy.  Here are some highlights from the past few weeks:


Groups finished their summative assessments (Public Service Announcement videos) and have prepped for a viewing party with other grades next week.  We are now beginning our final unit on governments and how they function.  We created a mind map of what we remembered from last year and then formulated questions for our Wonder Wall about what we would like to learn more about.  Lots of interesting topics to think about for next week!


Students are hard at work preparing dialogue, videos, props, and everything else essential to our upcoming Year End Performance.  This year our focus is on the effects of propaganda and the importance of thinking for yourself.


Students have been studying about computer hardware and how all the parts function to make a computer work.  Now they are reassembling all the pieces and taking care to put them in the correct locations.

Taking Action:

After learning how to make self watering plants, Grade 5 took action and taught what they had learned to Grade 4.  Students had to use their communication and social skills to successfully impart their knowledge to the younger students.  They were able to answer all their questions and guide them in the creation of their own planted seeds.

YEP preparation

YEP preparation

YEP preparation

PSA teamwork 

PSA teamwork

PSA teamwork

PSA teamwork

PSA teamwork

PSA teamwork

YEP preparation

YEP preparation

End of the unit!

End of the unit!

Exploring the new unit

Exploring the new unit

Exploring the new unit

Exploring the new unit

Exploring the new unit

Exploring the new unit

YEP preparation

YEP preparation

YEP preparation

ICT computers

ICT computers

ICT computers

ICT computers

ICT computers

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Taking action with self watering plants

Thursday, 13 February 2020

January at Abroad

January at Abroad

Awards and Student Council Results

Congratulations to Taira for winning the Most Open-Minded award.  Each month students vote for the person they think fits the learner profile attribute of the month the most.  Congratulations, Taira!  Our theme for February is "Thinker".

Grade 5 offered a lot of competition during the Student Council elections this year.  A lot of great risk takers!  Each student had create a video or a speech to be viewed by the whole school.  Not only did students do this, Grade 5 went above and beyond to create posters, pamphlets, and various advertisements during their campaign.  Everyone did an amazing job!  Here are the Grade 5 winners: Angelique and Sarah (president and vice-president), Karina (class representative), Ahmet (upper primary game planner) and Fatima (ELC coordinator).


Students practice their kanji calligraphy skills during Japanese class.


Students applied their pastel skills to a still life and focused on shading.  We are now using colored pencils to help with blending and shading from dark to light and warm to cool colors.  Students are also applying their new art skills to their UoI projects with success.

Taking Action

Grade 6 came to our classroom and taught Grade 5 students how to create a self watering plant using recycled PET bottles.  Every day we are seeing the results with our edamame plants.  Next week students will show what they learned to Grade 4 and teach them how to do the same thing.  

Students attended a workshop about bullying and were able to reflect on different ways that people bully and what to do if that happens to you.  It was a great opportunity for students to ask questions both of the teacher and of each other to try and eliminate bullying.  

Inference Lesson with Murty

Murty, a student from Grade 8, gave a guest lesson about inference.  After his presentation students divided into small groups and played an inference quiz game.  Students listened to their friend and have been trying to apply the advice he issued to their daily classwork.  Interacting with students from upper grades is a great way for Grade 5 students to see what will be expected of them in the future and observe the effect of being a positive role model for others.


We have just finished our unit of How We Express Ourselves which focused on propaganda.  Students worked in small groups to create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) discussing propaganda and why people should be mindful of what they see and hear everyday.  Video links will be sent next week so that you can see them too!

Adding to our unit wheel




Still life with Pokemon

Still life with Pokemon

Still life with Pokemon

Still life with Pokemon

Still life with Pokemon

Still life with Pokemon

Still life with Pokemon

Still life with Pokemon



Grade 6 teaching how to make a self watering plant

Grade 6 teaching how to make a self watering plant

Grade 6 teaching how to make a self watering plant

Grade 6 teaching how to make a self watering plant

Grade 6 teaching how to make a self watering plant

Grade 6 teaching how to make a self watering plant

Grade 6 teaching how to make a self watering plant

Grade 6 teaching how to make a self watering plant

Grade 6 teaching how to make a self watering plant

Grade 6 teaching how to make a self watering plant

Growing edamame

Museum viewing of art

Museum viewing of art

Museum viewing of art

Museum viewing of art

Museum viewing of art

Bullying workshop

Bullying workshop

Open Minded Winner: Taira!

Merit Winners: Sarah and Angelique

Inference with Murty

Unit Wheel--almost done!