Monday, 18 November 2019

Parents Day and the United Nations

Parents Day and the United Nations

Thank you to all of our classroom visitors!  We appreciate your support and look forward to further activities together.  This week had a large focus on our classroom United Nations (UN) where students worked together to solve problems.  Students also learned some new vocabulary in English and studied some new art techniques.  Here are some of the activities we did this week.

Unit of Inquiry:

Students continued their hard work with our mock United Nations and tackled some difficult and thought-provoking concepts such as how to prevent war, discrimination, inequality, and more.  Parents joined the audience as a special UN session took place on Monday and encouraged students to think constructively to solve problems together.  Each student chose a country and created problems to present to the United Nations, asking for help and resolutions.  Each UN delegate also had to prepare a debate and vote on what was best for the most people.  To highlight the diversity in the classroom, students translated information into multiple languages including Japanese, Urdu, Romanian, Korean, Turkish, and sign language.

Other classes were interested and joined for further discussions.  Students demonstrated how to be a positive role model to both Grade 2 and 3.  Grade 5 showcased the importance of listening to others, communicating constructively, and being open minded can help solve both global issues as well as day to day issues in our lives. 

Monthly Assembly:

During our monthly school assembly several Grade 5 students received awards for outstanding achievement.  Hyeri and Sarah won awards for demonstrating their artistic skills during the Inktober competition.  Chiharu was the Grade 5 Merit Winner, and Ahmet won the award for best Inquirer.  Good job!

Art Class:
Students experimented with pastels this week during art class and practiced blending colors.  They learned that some colors blended nicely while other combinations created a muddy or grayish mixture.  Grade 5 has been applying their art skills to their classwork and various class projects, thus earning a positive reputation around the school.

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