Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Week 22: February 12-14

Dear Parents,

This has been an abbreviated week with the National Holiday on Monday and the Parent Teacher Conferences on Friday

On Tuesday, Grade 5 students took the ISA (International Schools' Assessment) for mathematical literacy and the first part of the writing. 

After the test, students updated their SeeSaw accounts, answering some questions I had posed for them about colors and their feelings associated with those colors. 

Afterwards, we played a "this or that" game. The students had to choose one answer (this) or another answer (that) and provide reasons to prove their point. We learned that June thinks cats are better pets than dogs because cats like high places and won't bother you if you're on the floor. While Sally told us that dogs are better pets because you take them for a walk. I asked them agree (this) or disagree (that) questions as well. Akito was the lone student who said people could survive without machines because everything we want, we can make...it just may take longer. The class was split on whether a tablet/pill invention to substitute food would be a good invention. It was a fun game and good way for us to improve our thinking skills and communicating appropriate evidence/reasons. They ended the day on Tuesday with a fun time at the park. 

On Wednesday after completing the ISA reading and part two of the writing, we reflected on the year, making mind maps and lists about our favorite units and activities. The students are planning the YEP this year and they may need some encouragement from parents to do their best! 頑張って!!!!
がんばって !!!!

On Wednesday they also had Japanese class as well as PE and ICT.  


Students entered the YEP ticket design competition.

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