Monday, 11 February 2019

Week 19: January 21-25

Hello Parents!

This is our final week with the unit of How We Organize Ourselves.

After seeing the countries the students selected, I paired them together to learn a bit more about their forms of government. Students worked to understand why those two countries were chosen together.

This task was not easy; however, they all found connections between the countries. Also this week, they created a piece of art they believed represented their country either abstractly or realistically.

After reflecting on the unit and the students' understanding, I wanted to end the unit with more applicable examples of how the citizens and the governments impact one another.

Students found examples of this from a RAZ Kid close reading passage, "Safe Water Not a Safe Bet". Students read about how the state government chose to change a city's water source, thus resulting, in the residents of the city drinking lead-poisoned water.

Another real-life example of this unit is from the story of Fred Korematsu, who fought against the U.S. President's Executive Order 9066 that forced all Japanese Americans' imprisonment in "internment" camps across the western United States. Korematsu took his case all the way to the Supreme Court in order to change the law. Decades later, he finally succeeded.

To show their understanding of the roles and responsibilities of different governments, the students wrote a script with a partner. In the script, they used character dialogue and narration with descriptions of the setting in order to show the difference among dictatorship, constitution-based federal republic, and constitutional monarchy.

For math class, we finished our inquiry into squares and their properties and began our study into circles. This week, students learned about diameter, radius, and chord.

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