Sunday, 30 October 2022

Unit 3: Where We Are in Place and Time

Central Idea: Personal journeys can lead to new understandings

Lines of inquiry: 

•Change - How people change over time

• Causation - Experiences in life affect how people change

• Reflection - People record their journeys

Unit of Inquiry

In this unit, the  students investigated changes through time, fashion, and architecture.  They used a variety of art forms to represent their topic of study. The students started the unit by  completing a KWL chart by saying what they know, wonder and want to learn about the  unit. As a way of igniting curiosity and encouraging creative questioning, they reflected on their personal journeys then made a timeline to track individual significant events in their lives. They then worked hard researching, investigating and inquiring into personal changes over time in fashion, architecture and the lives of other people.

The students did a presentation on time perception and the history of timekeeping devices. They planned and created a role play along with a powerpoint presentation to show how the concept of time changed over the years.

There are many reasons why architecture changes over time.The students did a presentation to highlight  how  people can  trace development and progress through how architecture changes over time, tying architectural change to humanity’s advancement.   


Fashion has changed over the years. The students did a presentation on fashion through the decades.  

The students gathered information about themselves then made a timeline to showcase their personal journeys. 

The students inquired into the SDGs to find out how to align a specific goal to their topic of study. 


The students responded to a range of narrative texts that showed different points of view. They used  several resources to learn about biographies. They then selected a person whose biography they would like to read or watch,  and wrote their own biography on a selected person. In addition, they created a variety of sequenced texts for different purposes and audiences. They made presentations and contributed actively to class and group discussions, taking into account other perspectives.


The students worked together to participate in mathematical investigations and learning experiences. They investigated chance and probability and their relationship to fractions. They applied probability in real-world contexts, identified patterns in chance situations, recorded , interpreted and used data to make judgments. In addition, they identified and applied median, mode, range, and mean through a variety of activities. They completed several tasks to extend their own knowledge of statistics before trying out the activities in the classroom. The students enjoyed interpreting and constructing different graphs and charts to represent data. 

Have a good weekend!

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