Sunday, 12 June 2022

Unit 1: Who We Are

We are pleased to welcome you to the fifth grade. Fifth grade is a year filled with new experiences, advanced curriculum concepts, and high expectations. What a great inquiry into our first unit, Who We Are! From learning about the human body to looking at our mental and physical health. Here are some details about what we have been up to so far:

Unit of Inquiry (UOI)

Central Idea: Our choices and environment contribute to our physical and mental health. 

Lines of Inquiry:

  • Function-Physical health 
  • Causation-Mental Health
  • Connection -The relationship between health and external factors.

The students created their essential agreement during the first week of school. This agreement sets the tone for collaboration and teamwork. Their agreement covers a variety of issues, including general behaviors, materials and classroom transitions. 

Unit of Inquiry 

In this unit, students developed a deeper understanding of how the different human organ systems function and work together, using an inquiry approach. They formed groups based on their interest in a particular organ system and discussed what they already knew and came up with questions. They conducted research and presented their findings to the class. Further in the unit, students investigated the interconnected relationship between physical and mental wellbeing. They were also able to make connections between health and the environment, such as stress, lack of proper nutrition, peer pressure and other environmental factors. At the end of the unit, students were able to reflect on their lifestyles and developed healthy habits to improve their physical and mental wellness.

The students used the inquiry cycle to keep track of where they are in the unit. By using  the inquiry cycle, they are given the time and space to explore new knowledge and ideas in authentic contexts. They are also able to  draw conclusions and make connections between ideas and contexts. 

The students explored the human body with fun and exciting activities and experiments. They carried out experiments that showed how the human body works, from breathing and pumping blood to digesting food and sensing touch. For their summative assessment, they collaborated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Fair and created a Health and Wellness Fair in their class which featured everything they have learned throughout the unit. They worked cooperatively in groups to present their work and use various media. Overall, the students enjoyed the unit. They demonstrated critical thinking skills and creativity throughout the unit.

How the human body Works 

Measuring the Small Intestines 

Bile Breaking Down Fats 

Digestion Experiment 

What happens to your heart rate when you do physical activities? 



PYP connection to the Sustainable Development Goal # 3: Health and Wellbeing


The students reviewed  and expanded their understanding of fractions, decimals and the relation between the two. They learned to  find equivalent fractions visually by drawing area models. They then extended their understanding to find equivalent fractions and  add and subtract mixed numbers. They continued  with multiplying fractions and applying the concept to find area, volume and data analysis. Also, there were some interesting conversations about the process of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. The students had a great time doing decimal puzzles and investigations. The students applied their math skills to Mathletics, Kahoot and other online apps to enhance their understanding of content. In addition, 


In English, we looked at descriptive writing. Students explored the five senses and how to incorporate them into their writing to make it come to life. In addition, the students have started writing their autobiography. The autobiography is a comprehensive writing project that comprises fourteen chapters.  The students are encouraged to use a writing rubric and ensure that their writing is organized with a clear event sequence and many descriptive sensory details. 


Our school library plays an important role by being a hub of knowledge and storehouse for information. Students use this time to conduct research to find answers to the questions for their ongoing unit of inquiry. Also, some students use this time to do quiet reading and book discussions.

Every week, a student takes on the role of a library manager. The  library manager  ensures that students  organize the books in the class library and return library books to the school library.

Personal, social and physical education (PSPE) 

Have a good weekend! 

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