Monday, 2 December 2019

Science Week: November 25-29

Science Week

To celebrate Science Week students created banners and posters, participated in the science lab, and conducted social experiments to display at the science fair on Friday.


Students worked in three teams to create a large banner to display for the whole school to see on floors 5-7 of the school.  Quotes, pictures, and color were all added to encourage everyone to celebrate science.  Each student was also given a topic such as light, sound, gravity, genetics, etc to research and show their learning through a poster.  Lots of thought and detail went into all of this and it paid off with a great display.

Science Lab

Students explored seven different stations of experiments on Thursday.  There were lots of exciting things to play with and learn about such as the robot that could solve a Rubix cube, the spaghetti bridge, static electricity balloons, and more.  There was something in the lab for everyone and all interests.

Social Experiment and the Science Fair

In conjunction with our unit, students created a social experiment which they performed on other students to test behavior.  Students divided into four groups and each came up with two social experiments to perform.  All steps to the Scientific Method were followed and recorded: Purpose, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Analysis, and Conclusion.  Here are a few of the experiments they tried:

-Dropping lots of notebooks and pencils to see if someone would help
-Drawing "graffiti" on someone's classwork
-Bullying someone behind their back
-Pretending to be sad to see if someone would check on them

We were all happy to see a lot of students do the right thing and help when needed.  Students made a video at the conclusion of our experiments to explain to all classes about our experiments and ensure that Grade 5 wasn't actually doing any real bullying, graffiti, etc.

After all experiments were complete, the data was organized onto a poster for the Science Fair display.  Students also spent time reflecting on what happened and what they might have done in a similar situation.  Because there were so many students who stood out for doing the right thing, Grade 5 made an Abroad Heroes section to recognize those students.  They wrote a description of how each student helped.

There was so much to see and interact with at the Science Fair!  Compost collections, paper making from recycled materials, slime, biome dioramas, motion sensing robotic cars, and oil/water combinations were just some of the interesting things on display.

PSPE practicing for the basketball tournament

Making banners and posters

Scientific Method

Making banners and posters

Scientific Method

Scientific Method

Scientific Method

Scientific Method

Science Lab

Science Lab

Science Lab

Science Lab

Science Lab

Science Lab

Science Lab

Science Lab

Science Lab

Science Fair

Science Fair

Science Fair: Grade 5 Social Experiments

Science Fair: Grade 5 Social Experiments

Science Fair: Grade 5 Social Experiments

Science Fair: Grade 5 Social Experiments

Science Fair: Grade 5 Social Experiments

Science Fair: Grade 5 Social Experiments

Science Fair

Science Fair

Science Fair

Science Fair

Science Fair

Science Fair

Science Themed Clothes

Recycle Girls
Science Fair

Science Fair

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