Friday, 7 June 2019

Literacy Week: May 20-24

Literacy Week 

This week was all about reading and sharing our love of books and stories.  Students spent extra time delving into library books and reading with friends.  Here are a few of the activities that we participated in this week: 

Book Buddies.  On Monday Grade 5 paid a visit to Pre-K B and read stories to them as a mentoring activity.  It was a joy to see how nicely the older students interacted with the younger children.  We are hoping to continue this reading buddy system in the future.

Poem in our pocket day.  We ended up carrying our poem with us for longer than a day and shared them with each other throughout the week.

Osaka Public Library.  On Thursday we took a field trip to the local public library and found some interesting books to look through.  There was a large English section and multimedia area as well.  It was fun to see what kind of books are available to us for free.

Dress up as a book character day.  Half of the class dressed up as famous book characters, and we all enjoyed seeing everyone's costumes around the school.

Spelling Bee: Ahmet and Aleyna were our class representatives in the school Spelling Bee.  They competed against students in grades 4-8 with Aleyna as the winner.  

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