Sunday, 23 June 2019

Numeracy Week: June 17-21

Numeracy Week!

This week we had a lot of Math in the air to celebrate Numeracy Week.  Each day consisted of different math themed activities and events to encourage a love of Mathematics.  There was a math question of the day to challenge students.  AIS school money was distributed all week to be exchanged on Friday for prizes.

Monday: Math Gameshow Day in the gym where students get to answer math related trivia questions and attempt to earn AIS school money.  The game resembles the classic Family Feud.

Tuesday: Photo Contest entries of math found in real life and nature.  Students find pictures from home that show some relation to Math.  Aleyna won third place from our class!

Wednesday: Math rotation activities with Ms. Kapra and Mr. Aidar involving cards and trivia questions.

Thursday: Students worked together to create a Math art poster to display in the gym.  Grade 5 made various Math Lands, places where everything was somehow a math shape or idea such as Candy Land where all the candy and sweets resembled numbers.

Friday: Shopping day!  Students went to the gym to cash in their AIS school money for prizes.  It was also Math Spirit Day and everyone was encouraged to wear any Math related clothes to celebrate.

UoI:  While quite busy with Numeracy Week we also expanded our learning of experiments and how they help us to make sense of our world.  Students worked in pairs to make a poster to demonstrate ten different ways experiments and inventions have helped us to expand our learning about the way the world works. 

Students conducted another experiment called Walking Water.  We started with three jars filled with different colored water, and in between these was an empty jar.  We connected the empty jars and the colored water jars with folded paper towels and watched throughout the day as the water climbed up the paper towel to deposit and mix in the empty jars.  By the morning of the following day we observed two new mixed colors and all jars were at an even level.

Walking Water

Photo Contest Selections



Math Spirit Day

Gameshow Day

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Week 9: June 10-14


This week we finished Airplane Experiment 2, and I have posted the pictures below.

Parent's Day

This week Grade 5 welcomed many parents as guests and prepared a series of experiments to present to their audience.  Students spent the week researching experiments and preparing for the experiment demonstration on Friday.  In addition to researching experiments students also completed the various Scientific Method steps: Purpose, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment (and later Analysis and Conclusion). 

Students made a shopping list of materials needed to conduct the experiment and we made a trip to Daiso.  A small budget was allotted to each group so students had to factor in what they really needed versus what they wanted.  Posters were made and data gathered as each group walked us through each of their experiments.

On Friday Grade 5 performed four different experiments:

Homemade Bouncy Ball: made out of a mixture of borax, glue, and corn starch.

Waterproofing Sand: sprayed waterproofing spray on sand found and sifted at the park. 

Lava Lamp: water, vegetable oil, alka-seltzer combined to show different densities in liquid.

Lemon Volcano: lemon, baking soda, dish soap, and lemon juice combine for an explosive effect.

Bouncy Ball

Bouncy Ball

Waterproofing Sand

Lava Lamp

Lava Lamp

Bouncy Ball

Lemon Volcano

Lemon Volcano