Sunday, 20 January 2019

Week 17: January 7-11

Happy New Year!!!! 

We began our week back from winter break with a review of the various forms of government we had studied prior.

The students took action by creating a color-coded key for our inquiry wall. They really enjoy making their connections visual with the use of different color yarn.

Our text for the week was Elizabeth Leads the Way, where students learned about the impact of Elizabeth Cady Stanton on American laws. The students compared her to previously studied change-makers: Malala, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Nelson Mandela.

We also added some of our thoughts to the question: Why are rules necessary? The students connected this question to different areas of life: society (behaviorally as well as legally), language (English and Japanese), as well as mathematically.

Since I am now teaching the students math, I have begun the term assessing them on their knowledge and understanding of angles as well as quadrilaterals. The students also played some math games so I could gauge their understanding with place value as well as mental math practices.

We had a great first week back and are looking forward to a wonderful term! 

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