Monday, 17 December 2018

Week 15: December 10-14th

How We Organize Ourselves

Akito: deconstructing the theme
This week all the students worked to deconstruct the transdiciplinary theme for our new unit of inquiry, and they are excited that our new unit connects so easily to our last! 
June: deconstructing the theme

Students wrote Compass Points for me to better 
grasp their prior knowledge of the unit. 
N = need to know about the unit
S = suggestions for the unit
E = excited about for the unit
W = worried about for the unit. 
Tasneem: Compass Points
Kaku: Compass Points
Akito: Compass Points

Sally: Compass Points
June and Emre: Compass Points
June and Emre use the dictionary to help them deconstruct the lines of inquiry. 
Also this week, students worked with a partner to deconstruct the lines of inquiry. 
Akito and Tasneem deconstructing the lines of inquiry

Sally and Kaku deconstructing the lines of inquiry: Here they are looking up a Japanese word to explain in English.

Throughout the week in English class, we worked on our communications skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

Emre and June: Listening Center (RAZ Kids)

Akito and Kaku: Reading to a friend and practicing their summary skills
Some of our inquiries from week 1

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