Sunday, 11 November 2018

Week 10

We have completed our 3rd week of "Sharing the Planet," and students are inquiring into a range of people and topics:
slavery (past and present)

British kings and queens (Who was ruling the country when the British Empire colonized Australia?)
Gandhi (Who killed Gandhi and why was he killed?)
California Gold Rush (What did the 49ers value more: life or money?)
Ichiro Suzuki (How did people view him when he left Japan to play in the United States?)
"Migrant Caravan"
Women and Education in the 1960s

The students began independent research and creating mind maps of their learning, thoughts, and questions. Also this week students recorded vlogs (video blogs) where they talked about and reflected on their learning.

On Friday, our parents came to visit, and we used that time to talk to them individually about what we are learning as well as taking the opportunity to use "our parents as the Internet," where we asked them about their experiences and their opinions. It was a wonderful discussion, and we are still referring back to what our parents had to say.

After our parents left, we reflected on what we learned from them and made a mind map. We realized that society values people, but we are sometimes part of that problem. We talked about ways to "change the world," which starts with the information we have and share with others.

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