Sunday, 14 October 2018

Week 6

This week, we discussed a way in which people can record their own or another's
journey is through interviewing. Our mentor text for interviews came from the website:
Humans of New York.
I had previously selected a few interviews that would be age-appropriate or had
opportunity for students to change their perspective while reading.
Selected interviews and student "takeaways" below:

"I learned that maybe I should go outside to play a little bit more."
"I learned that if a school has a counselor, maybe that is good for all the kids to not be angry."

"Why did her dad call her stupid?"

"I think maybe they should have taken turns to get up. I wonder what my parents did." 

"It must have been really sad not having her mother around for so long." 

"He did not give up on his dream to be a doctor even though he had to start over."

Because we have missed several classes due to the holidays and because we focused on learning
specific reading and writing skills, we had to be creative in how we thought about our summative

Summative Task Options:
1. Research a famous person.
2. Interview an adult.
3. Analyze a picture book (class library).
4. Write a memoir.

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