Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Week 1: Term 2

Welcome back, G5 Students and Parents!

For our first week we began our new theme: Where We Are in Time and Place.  The students worked to understand the trasndisciplinary theme: 

Using the transdisciplinary theme and our "assigned colors," the students brainstormed what our central idea could possibly be. 

Students made observations such as: 
"A journey is when a person travels, and a person can learn something when they travel". 
"People's lives are journeys" 
"If you journey to a place, you can learn from it." 
"If peoples' lives are hard, they can learn from that."
"When people travel, they can see something new and learn from it." 
"We can learn from everything in the world!" 

Here's our class central idea compared to the "adult-created" one:

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