Dear Parents,
Summer vacation is here! The students have worked hard throughout the school year and are now looking forward to the many pleasures that summer brings. Here are some highlights from this term:
The students worked on developing their inferential comprehension skills. They had a great time learning the skill of inference and how to infer information from texts and images of all types. As they read, they drew inferences such as inferring characters' feelings, thoughts and motives. They made inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding.
Congratulations to Jack and Alina on their Spelling Bee performance. |
The students expressed themselves by participating in a series of debates with their classmates. They worked on their literacy skills as they developed arguments to use that were supported by researched information. This experience gave them the opportunity to examine controversial topics and strengthen their skills in the areas of oral presentation and teambuilding. Here are a few of the controversial topics that we did in class:
-Is social media harmful?
-Should homeless people be allowed to have pets?
The Great Debators |
We started math class with revision. One of the first topics we reviewed was fractions. Students built on their prior knowledge of fractions by exploring fractions across many constructs, including part of a whole, ratios, and division. They continued to expand their knowledge on equivalent fractions, comparing fractions, relating fractions and mixed numbers, adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator and multiplying fractions by whole numbers. We also reviewed decimals and percentages. Students got the opportunity to work with common fractions, decimals and percentages interchangeably to solve a variety of problems. Lastly, we explored geometry with special focus on lines, angles, polygons and circumference. They began with a quick recall on the characteristics and properties of a circle. This prior knowledge led them to measure circumference and diameter of various circles with ease. The students formed small groups and went around the classroom discovering circular objects. They investigated how to calculate the circumference of a circle. We explored the formula used for this calculation, and practiced finding the circumference from a given radius and diameter, chord, arc and center.

Unit of Inquiry
Central idea:
Conducting experiments helps us to make sense of our world.
Lines of Inquiry:
Form-Scientific Method
Causation: The effects of changing variables
Connection: Real-world applications of the principles learned through scientific method
In this unit, students drove inquiries in science with some fun experiments, investigations, research and activities. They enjoyed learning about the steps of the scientific method and how to apply them to have a better understanding of their world. They had a great time conducting investigations by asking questions, proposing solutions, and solving problems while gaining knowledge about their environment. One of the first activities they did in this unit was organizing an air show. They participated in the show by making a variety of airplane designs. They worked in small groups and conducted an investigation to see which of the planes would fly the furthest, and decided winners by measuring and comparing results.

Aerial Show-Students made different types of airplanes and tested them for flight distance and air time. The students worked in small groups and gave a scientific presentation to their peers. The presentation ended successfully with an active exchange of opinions and question-and-answer session. 

The students worked in small groups and conducted several experiments in connection with the unit. They wrote questions based on their experiments, and used scientific skills such as making hypotheses, stating variables, drawing conclusions and discussing results. Let’s look at how they used scientific inquiry to create meaningful connections to the materials they learned in class.
Jack and Yusuke conducted a lemon light experiment to demonstrate how electric circuits and batteries work. |
Over the years, science and technology has revolutionized the world. These emerging technologies have changed the way we think, live and take care of our environment. Take a look at how Kurea and Ichika designed and built a robot to address a real-world challenge. They designed a garbage collection robot to collect waste at public places.
The world is on a catastrophic path of global heating. Alina and Yusuke brought awareness to the issue of climate change with a simple science experiment.
The stray animal population is rising in many parts of the country. For this reason, Aiya and Melsa designed a microchip to identify stray and stolen animals.
Soil erosion is a major global soil degradation threat to land, freshwater, and oceans. Rima and Kyle raised awareness on this environmental issue by conducting an experiment to illustrate the causes and effects of soil erosion and how to prevent it.
Using energy wisely and conserving energy efficiently are two major global issues. Bogart and Kaname designed and built a house heated by solar power. Check out the passive solar house model:
In a world with increasing crude oil production, oil spill accidents cannot be ignored when addressing pollution issues. Aika and Jaimica conducted an experiment to help us understand the detrimental effects of oil spills on marine ecosystems.
Riko and Yua conducted an experiment to demonstrate a chain of cause-and-effects, illustrating how CO2 is increasing ocean acidification and harming sea life.
Personal, Social and Physical Education (PSPE)
Students engaged in physical activities and health-enhancing exercises at the park. These experiences gave them the opportunity to build trust while also promoting communication, problem-solving, and team skills.
Talent Show
Abroad Student Council Osaka (ASCO) hosted the annual talent show to celebrate the many talents at the school. The participants ranged from artists, singers and dancers to pianists and magicians. The students developed a range of attributes from risk taker and communicator to open minded and balanced. Well done to all the participants !
Japanese Cultural Day
Many students were dressed in their traditional Japanese clothes to commemorate the culture of Japan. They had a great time playing Japanese traditional games with their peers. They wrote their wishes on strips of colorful paper and hung them on the branches of the bamboo tree. What a great way to celebrate Japanese culture!