Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Sharing The Planet and Expressing Ourselves


Friends bring more happiness into our lives
Learner profiles expressed in this photo by these two students are caring,
principled and reflective.
In an activity where students had to express themselves they showed what sensations, emotions and thoughts they were having. Not all students wanted to share their work as it was a private piece of self- expressing. Drawing and freely expressing ourselves relieves stress and anxiety.

Students work together in groups and individually on Sharing the Planet summative.
Students wrote a percussive essay  and inquired about something more they'd like to know about their chosen topic.

Classroom jobs are given randomly and changed each month Here you see a responsible students fulfilling his duty as Sanitation Officer. Thank you Seitaro!
Noah's job this month is scheduler in that she writes the changing schedule on the board each morning and reminds the class when class is nearly finished and what's next. However you can always find her going above and beyond to keep the classroom organized.

Japanese class decided to practice their play in the library. They work very well together and memorized all their lines. When you see the video during Celebration Of Learning you will notice how principled these students are.
Leica reads a Manga book and later will translate some of what she read to English as she shares out.
Leica is becoming a very knowledgeable person both in Japanese and English

Noah, Leica,Subah, Shuri,Seitaro, Harun and Yunosuke are performing MasterMaid which is a Readers Theater play.
They are using expression and gesturing to bring the play to life.

Students share their reading comprehension skills through choice book report projects
All students decided to do a Wanted Poster of a character in their book who made mistakes, failed or was a criminal.

Riria is working on a  ratios worksheet. She is learning how to write them in a sentence and also read and answer word problems.

Sayaka is wondering with her friends on the Wonder Wall. She and her pals are exhibiting the inquirer and thinker  learner profile by being curious about the world around them.
Shuri is very responsible sending her work to her teacher and organizing her Japanese work.
Yunsuke is using translingualism to share his favorite Manga stories with us in English.

Leica presented to the class her summative assessment about hearing aids. After research and study Leica became very knowledgeable about people with disabilities

Please view the Celebration of Learning Videos to see the rest of class present.

Grade 5 Wishes Everyone A Happy and Healthy New Year!!!! Mata Ne!!!

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Sharing The Planet

Playing with balls can provide a ton of developmental benefits for children. Ball play builds hand-eye coordination, gross and fine motor skills, spatial awareness, grasping skills, problem-solving skills, balance, and even language and social skills. Experts recommend engaging in ball play as early as possible.

When they're using the internet for research, there are six key skills that your child needs to develop.
  • Using the right search terms. ...
  • Using search engines. ...
  • Assessing reliable and unreliable sources. ...
  • Cross-checking. ...
  • Skimming and scanning. ...
  • Taking notes.

The area of a semicircle can be calculated using the length of radius or diameter of the semicircle. The formula to calculate the area of the semicircle is given as, Area = πr2/2 = πd2/8, where 'r' is the radius, and 'd' is the diameter. 

Areas of irregular figures can be determined by dividing the figure into squares and rectangles.

Some irregular figures are made of rectangular or square regions. The areas of such irregular figures can be determined by calculating the areas of these rectangles and squares.

To find the area of a figure which is a combination of rectangles and a squares, we calculate the area of each figure separately and then add them to find total area.

By working as a team, children develop 
important life skills like problem solving, listening, leadership, and creative thinking. Nurturing teamwork skills also develops higher levels of self-confidence, self-esteem, empathy, and compassion.

Benefits of social emotional learning in schools
Here are just a few benefits to social emotional learning in the classroom:
  • Improves school and class climate. ...
  • Increases student motivation. ...
  • Teaches problem-solving skills. ...
  • Reduces behavior problems. ...
  • Helps students set and meet goals. ...
  • Gives a space to talk about mental health. ...
  • Teaches study skills and habits.

What is considered a voracious reader?
What does it mean to be a voracious reader? A voracious reader is someone that has a strong appetite for books. To be a voracious reader you must have strong passion for books and you must read more than 60 books in a year


Monday, 12 July 2021

Unit 2: How the World Works

 How the World Works

We have reached the end of our second unit and our first term!  It has been a busy few months as you can see.  Here are some more details about what we have been up to and tons of pictures showing students in action.  

Unit of Inquiry (UoI)

Central Idea:

Conducting experiments helps us make sense of our world

Lines of Inquiry

  • Form - Scientific Method
  • Causation - The effects of changing variables
  • Connection - Real-world applications of the principles learned through scientific method

This unit has gone by so quickly!  Luckily, we were able to conduct a good number of experiments to help solidify our lines of inquiry and practice the scientific method.  One of the first experiments we did as a class involved flying paper airplanes.  The initial test was one evaluating airplane design while the second part involved testing material components as variables.  Not only did students practice making a good hypothesis, but they also utilized measuring skills, calculating averages, comparing and contrasting results, making predictions, and using critical thinking skills to back up their research.

Students also conducted group and independent experiments to demonstrate their understanding and inquire further into topics of their choice.  One such experiment involved an egg.  While all students used an egg as the base component, each experiment was unique including tests on eggshell strength, chemical reactions to vinegar, buoyancy, and many more.  As students progressed through the unit, we got to see more experiments involving dry ice, carbonated drinks responding to mentos, tests in liquid density, chemical changes to coins using ketchup, and even different pitches created from varying water levels in glasses.  Check out some of the amazing experiments!


To better understand the term "experiments" and what that actually means, students created a word cloud highlighting the main idea, key details, and supporting details by varying word size based on importance.  Themed around our Unit of Inquiry material, English skills were also used to connect the two subjects.  While exploring inference, teams of student detectives worked to create a case file including clues left at a crime scene, what they know about these clues, and what they can infer to guide peers through solving the crime with the information provided.  Sometimes the answer can be difficult to find, but inference clues help students to discover what is not explicitly stated.

Goal setting was another important skill used to help students with self-management.  Students analyzed their strengths and weaknesses to help them formulate an improvement plan of goals and steps on how they would accomplish them.  Cause and effect skills were at use and students were able to implement positive changes.


  • Students reviewed addition/subtraction mental strategies of whole 4/5 digit numbers.
  • Next were fractions. They knew how to add and subtract but expanded their understanding by learning how to multiply and divide fractions. They also learned how to use the cancellation operation. 
  • Then it was time for decimals.  After reviewing long addition and subtraction with decimals, students learned how to multiply and divide them.  Long division and movement of the decimals were challenging at first, but students were able to improve with practice.
  • And lastly, students explored new material in geometry:
    • Line properties (horizontal, vertical, diagonal, parallel, perpendicular)
    • Angles (acute, obtuse, right, straight and reflex). Students practiced using a protractor to measure angles accurately.
    • Polygons-->Regular/Irregular
    • Circle (radius, diameter, circumference, chord, arc, center)


Students were able to put their Japanese language skills to good use by creating a pamphlet of a country of their choice.  Using Canva to help format their designs, students used colorful pictures and descriptive Japanese writing to provide detailed information, cultural facts, and key features about the chosen location.  To sum up their knowledge, students gave a speech to the class about what they learned.

Japanese Culture Day--what a fun way to celebrate the beautiful culture of Japan!  Many were dressed in traditional yukata or other clothing honoring Japan in some way.  There were many traditional games and music all around.  Some of the activities included folding paper cranes, a tic-tac-toe game featuring takoyaki, creating and shooting a rubber band gun made of chopsticks, fishing for marbles, a chopstick challenge, and a blindfolded face sort (fukuwarai).  Everyone had a wonderful time and wished we could have played even longer!


Making use of negative space, students created reverse images utilizing contrasting qualities of black and white.  Students used construction paper to make unique images that display these design concepts.  After gluing string to cardboard and covering with a layer of aluminum foil, students applied paint to the top layer to create a unique stained glass effect in another project.  Students also utilized watercolor techniques by painting gemstones and crystals, and by adding salt to the wet paint, they were able to apply texture to their work.


During this unit, students began to create their own music using handbells and reading music.  They were able to implement elements of tempo, sight reading, and coordination with their group to create a song.


Students continued honing their digital skills through video editing and coding. 

  • Students covered the basics of video editing including using the online editing platform called Clipchamp:
    • Uploading videos that need to be edited
    • Split and merge different videos
    • How to use layers for video, audio and text
    • How to insert subtitles and main title
    • What is the fade in/fade out effect for video and audio
    • How to export/render video
  • Next was a Scratch, an online platform that allows for programming with blocks platform:
    • We learned how to use a program with blocks for creating a zombie game
    • All the students really enjoyed it because they saw the direct result of their actions through the game they created
    • Some of the students went further by themselves to add extra details which was an indicator of understanding scratch at a more advanced level
    • Students will continue to develop their skills with Scratch in the next trimester

Physical Education (PE)

Students are continuing to develop their coordination skills through various dribbling, passing, and bouncing techniques.  After practicing these skills individually, students are able to put them into practice in handball matches.  Another game that students have begun to practice is Four Square which is a fun way to improve control and passing.

Teambuilding in PSPE

An important part of PSPE is the socialization and group collaboration aspect that is pivotal to teambuilding.  Students have done a number of games involving hula hoops such as chain linking and relay challenges.  In the former, students have to pass the hula hoop while arms are linked and not allowed to use their hands in the process.  During the relay portion of the challenge, students worked in teams to run the hula hoops to their teammates but were only allowed to hold the hula hoop with index fingers.

In another activity, students had to collaborate with teammates to create a visual representation of positive things that students could do during the summer break.  Each group came up with some good ideas and have displayed their results to inspire others.